Day #1 (early special) “You’ve gone fat :P”

“You’ve gone fat :P”

How do you even respond to that?

I tried to play it cool, last night, at around 2 in the morning, when I decided I would go ahead and get back in contact with a crush from back four years ago. I didn’t really have a plan on where the conversation was going, but I definitely didn’t think he would end up calling me fat.

A little bit of a background story, shall we? I met him in eighth grade. Something about him clicked, and some pathetic nonexistent love story formed. This love story consists of a stupid teenage girl (me!) obsessing over a dude whose pants hung too low around his waist. It wasn’t the most romantic of stories, to say the least.

Anyway, the last time I texted him was before I moved.  I told him about my feelings, you know… how I was madly in love with him and stuff. I remember him responding to my confessions, all too nonchalantly, “I knew it all along.”  Whatever, Mr. Know-it-all.

It would have been pretty awkward and nerve-wrecking getting back in touch with him after that, so I did not.  I haven’t spoken with him for about four years, more or less, since then. Last night though, I did it. While I had disregarded the thought of finding a way to get back in contact with him again, for so long too, I decided I would text him. I knew it would be awkward, especially considering our last conversation and the fact that we both knew what ‘research’ I had to do to get back in touch with him, and find his kik, but I was determined, anxious, and also believe it or not, excited.

The conversation was supposed to begin as a guessing game, but he said he wouldn’t be able to ever guess, so the game was out of the picture pretty quick. I ended up telling him who I was and, cover your ears kids, his response: “fuck.”

Definitely. not. what. I. had. in. mind.

CaptureAnyway, he needed a picture as proof it was me, and I guessed that was fair enough. I sent him two pictures; one of the remarkable, and stunning Mr. Grinch, and another of me: looking pretty scary (it was a silly picture of me with too much editing, and a bunch of Halloween-monster effects) . I commented that whichever scared him the most was me. Totally playing it cool, I know.

And his response?  “You’ve gone fat :P”

I decided not to comment on how that sentence could not possibly be grammatically correct — I mean, I’m no English scholar, but really? “gone fat”

Regardless, I could have very well took this as a compliment, because everyone is always telling me I should gain weight (it is also one of my new years resolutions), but I actually felt hurt. No wait, not hurt, exactly, maybe slightly insulted? I’m sure he could have come up with something else to say, (oh wow, you look absolutely stunning you should apply for vogue or cover girl, so when did you become a model?) but again, whatever.

It  sure wasn’t one of those romantic ‘Oh my Santa! We haven’t spoken in years, let us elope” conversations — thank God to that too — and it definitely was not what I had in mind, but I have got to admit, I wouldn’t want it any other way. He didn’t make it awkward, and he wasn’t as jerky as I once remember him to be… he could still work on it though.

The most important thing is that I did it. I overcame that voice in my head, and did something –while small– that I would normally avoid. The cherry on top? he said I would overcome the awkward phase, and gave me some advice on simply not caring about what others think, just like he does not.

He contributed in more ways then one to my blog, but not in more ways then two.

19 thoughts on “Day #1 (early special) “You’ve gone fat :P”

  1. 🙂 I could really relate on your story, I’ve been through this one, only that I got the worst 😀 This guy compared me to a door when he hugged me, because he thought that I got a flat chest, my face felt hot and all I want to do is to punch him. Lol. Anyway, good luck with that, don’t let him get under your skin 🙂

    • I’ll make sure not to let his comment get under my skin. He’s a good guy, really, he was probably just joking around — because I’m as skinny as a stick, literally I weight 98 pounds. But even if he was serious, I do not mind.

      I’m sorry about your crush though, that sounds bad. I would have punched him in the face for you. You should have commented on how his personality reflected a door because he was completely oblivious of the fact that a beautiful girl was standing in front of him and was more focused on her chest.

      Anyway, let us both not let these petty things get under our skin and laugh about them instead.

      Thank you so much for commenting, it really means the world.

      • Maybe you’re right 🙂 Well I won’t comment more anything about him, you know him and I don’t 🙂 hehe,

        guys will be guys, unfortunately I left that man, he’s my ex and he’s such a perv. Most of the times. But somehow his nice but a cheat 😀 Bummer isn’t it? 🙂

        You know, I’d really like to add you as a friend on facebook 🙂 where are you from by the way?

    • Arg, don’t let people talk to you like that. You’re a strong, beautiful person, I’m sure, and you don’t need to hear that. People should invest more time into questioning why you aren’t a runway model. 😉 Thanks so much for reading my blog, it means more then you think.

  2. I REALLY think the guy was being sarcastic. Like, 100% sure of it. I know this because a. You are 85 lbs., b. he sounds socially well-adjusted (sorta) for his age and that’s the type of joke guys his age make, and c. I’ve been on both sides of the socially awkward situation, and I just know.

    I used to be about as self-conscious as you sound right now, and I completely would have felt the same way you did about that remark! But things have changed, I’m old, and I get it now. He was joking, and probably trying to say that you are cute. Which you clearly are:)

    • I do not know why every time I see a new comment it freaks me out and I get butterflies in my stomach! Thanks so freaking much for reading and commenting. (It really brightened my day, because todays experience with dare2scare was NOT the best: I’m typing it up in another tab, aha.)

      Anyway, I sure hope he was being sarcastic. Regardless though, I didn’t take it to heart (I’m super surprised, I take everything to heart; because I’m an oversensitive little baby! ;))

      I really hope you’re having a great 2014 (although it just started, hehe); Happy New Years to you and your family. Stay safe, and thanks again, so so much for reading and commenting.

      • Did you get a reply to this from me? It seems to have disappeared. Well, in case you didn’t, the point was that you are sweet and engaging and should keep on writing!

      • Aha.

        Yes the other comment did show up in my feed, but for some reason it isn’t showing up on the actual blog? Glitchy WordPress.

        Anyway, l can not begin to thank you enough for your kind words. It means a lot to this 17 year old heart. It’s really nice to have a motivating voice in my head. Thanks so so much. Yore amazing.

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